Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Fanfic by eonniemi&rumm8 joan

TITLE:SEE US SMILE&HEAR US LAF.Ü*hehe..E2 n rumm8!Hehe..Sna mgkgwa tau ng mgndang fanfic.Aiyee..Ü*


frndshp has alwys bin a part of our lves.We nevr wntd 2b lonely so we have frnds..

We do have lots of budies,but u do not need a certain number of frends,but frnds u can b certain of..*anu daw?!Dugo ilong ko dun,but n fairnes,my sense i2.Hehe.. Ü*

sooHye&anHyun have bin gr8 frnds for 7yrs, and rumm8 budies for 3yrs now,but on der last yr n colege,dy got 2new tenants@d dorm..

-we've nevr realze dat love ac2ualy exist,until 2more came n d crcle of frndshp me&anhyun have..*e2 n!E2 n!E2 n...Whaaaa!?Dubidubidoo..Ü*


Characters:SOOHYE-eonniemi,ANHYUN-rumm8 joan,MINNIE-sungmin,and KYU-Kyuhyun..

Wid spcial prtcption of othr SJFPO mmbrs.*hehe..Mei2x@nikka,naalla nyo ung dorm moments ntn s txt?Ü*

Plot: philippines to korea..

Theme:frndshp was d priorty thouh,it was mixd wid love ful of hapines..But,sadnes s part of life and it cnt b help,so just cry it out..*gulo nun ha.Hahaha..Ü*

sneak peek:

soohye&anhyun hav bin bstfrnds 4 so many yrs.Dy bcame budies wen dy wer n hghskul*wer n real lfe,3yrs agwat ntn..Hahaa..Ü*

dyve nevr notcd any1 around dm as long as dyr 2gdr,dats alrdy enuf 2 make d day worthwhle.*toinkz, pra nman taung mglovers d2..Haha..Ü*

in colge,dy studied@korea 4 dy wer both sponspord by an unknown man.dy bcame rumm8 budies whch strgthnd dr frndshp more..

But wen dy wer n dyr last yr of colege..D circle of 2 bcame a crcle of 4..*haha..Ü*

-dr was nevr a dul momnt wen we wr 2gdr.We alwys smile&joke around..Time has alwys gvn us d chance 2 mesmrze our bondng..Hope ds wil last 4evr..Ü



hyhskul life s so mch fun.Soohye and anhyun,rily enjoyd dose yrs,but wen dy wr about 2 take an entrance exam 4 colege,both rcvd a letr,dat dy wil b sponsord by an unknown man.Wats awkwrd s,dy wil b studyng n korea..*nku,rumm8..Lalong dduguin ang ilong ntn d2.. Haha. Ü*

anhyun:uy,rumm8!?Nktnggp krn ng leter?*wid mtchng dagok s batok un ha..Lupet!Hehe..*
soohye:grbe k nman!Prang mttnggal ung batok ko sau ha..*sbay ttig ult s letr.*
anhyun:s tingn mo,cnu kya 2ng llake n 2 n ngsponsor stn?
Soohye:take note,s korea pa.At!Hnd taung hnd pwdng 2mnggi s sponsorship nya..Toinkz!Pwd b un,rumm8?
Anhyun:uuuhh..Cguro?Mhh..Ok lng un rumm8..Tngnan mo mbuti,mrmi taung benfts pg tnnggp ntn 2..

-4 real,d ofr was gr8,nd snce we r stl 2gdr,we cald d man nd agrd 2 d sponsorship..*ihanda ang mga tissue,pgdtng s korea..Whaaa..*

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